
We can select and choose
Make decisions and disapprove
Our choices help us to decide
How we flow and wanna ride.

We can ponder and read
Fall behind and still succeed
We can evaluate and appreciate
Move forward while we deviate.

We can choose and change our mind
Choose to hate or be kind
We can choose and make a choice
We can be quiet or use our voice.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Make choices produce the best results for you.

BEVERAGE TO GO! Soak it up after all, it was your choice.


  1. Choices proves you continue to come up with ways to motivate your readers. That is why I continue to read your poetry. Its fresh and fun.

  2. We all make choices everyday without giving much thought to our choices. Therefore, we should make choices that produce the best results. Great food for thought.

    Excellent poem. Definitely something to ponder about. Thanks.

  3. Your choices are a reflection of oneself

    It's wise when it comes from the muscle

    We're already designed to be refined indeed

    Represent the morals given from the womb

    I choose to be graced by your sentiments :)
